A 專利
Tsai M.L et al .Intraocular lens wirh photocatalytic coating. Republic of China : Patent
Number. 586923
B. 期刊論文( SCI)
001. Tsai ML, Chen SL, Chou PI, Wen LY, Tsai RJ, Tsao YP. Inducible adeno-associated
virus vector-delivered transgene expression in corneal endothelium.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2002 Mar;43(3):751-7
factor: 4.728;
002. Horng CT, Liu CC, Wu DM,
Wu YC, Chen JT, Chang CJ,
Tsai ML. Visual fields during acute exposure to a simulated altitude of 7620 m .
Space Environ Med. 2008 Jul;79(7):666-9.
factor: 0.832; SPORT SCIENCES CATEGORY 43/72)
003. Wang TY, Horng CT, Cheng
SN, Li CH, Chen JT, Tsai ML.
disc hemorrhages in a patient with hemophilia A.
J Hematol. 2008 Jun;87(5):550-2.
(Impact factor:
1.491;HEMATOLOGY; 42/63)
004. Tsai ML, Horng CT, Chen
SL, Xiao X, Wang CH, Tsao YP. Suppression of experimental uveitis by a
recombinant adeno-associated virus vector encoding interleukin-1 receptor
antagonist. Mol Vis. 2009 Aug
(Impact factor: 2.328;
ophthalmology 12/45)
005. Tsai ML, Liu CC, Wu YC, Wang CH, Shieh P, Lu DW, Chen JT,
Horng CT.
responses and visual performance after high-acceleration force exposure.
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 Oct;50(10):4836-9.
006. Chen YJ, Horng CT , Chen JT, Tsai ML. A cute syphilitic progression in an
HIV-positive patient.
J Med Sci. 2009 Oct;338(4):325.
factor: 1.618; medicine general & internal 38/100)
007. Horng CT, Liu CC, Kuo
DI, Shieh PC, Wu YC, Chen JT, Tsai
in visual function during the Coriolis illusion.
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2009 Apr;80(4):360-3.
factor: 0.832; SPORT SCIENCES CATEGORY 43/72)
008. Yao HY, Horng CT, Chen
JT, Tsai ML. Regression of choroidal metastasis secondary
to breast carcinoma with adjuvant intravitreal injection of bevacizumab.
Ophthalmol. 2010 Nov;88(7):282-283.
factor: OPHTHALMOLOGY1.848; 15/45)
009. Chou YS, Horng CT, Chen JT,Tsai
ML. Reactive
Arthritis following Streptococcus Viridans Urinary Tract Infections.
Ocular Immunology & Inflammation;SCI
2010 Jan;18(1):52-3.
(Impact factor: 1.217;
010. Shieh P, Tsai ML,
Chiu MH, Chen YO, Yi NL, Jan CR. Independent effects of the broccoli-derived
compound sulforaphane on Ca2+ influx and apoptosis in Madin-Darby canine renal
tubular cells. Chin J Physiol. 2010 Aug 31;53(4):215-22.
(Impact factor: 0.683; PHYSIOLOGY
011. Chi-Ting Horng, Han-Yin
Sun, Ming-Liang Tsai, Shang-Tao Chien, Feng-Chi Lin
The Impact of Silicone
Frontalis Suspension with Ptosis Probe R for the Correction of Congential
ptosis on the Asian Eyelids in Taiwan
Life Science Journal
(Impact factor: 0.158; BIOLOGY
012. Han-Yin Sun, Mu-Hsin
Chen, Chih-Hung Lin, Ming-Jen Lee, Ming-Liang Tsai
Cheng-Shu Yang, Chi-Ting Horng.
The changes of corneal
biochemical properties after simulated ejection on the ground
Life Science Journal 2010;7(1):46-50
(Impact factor: 0.158; BIOLOGY
013. Lin FC, Sun HY, Tsai
ML , Shiang JS, Chien ST, Horng CT. Opacification of a CeeON 911A Silicone Intraocular Lens Caused by Deposits on
the Optic without Asteroid Hyalosis
Life Science Journal
factor: 0.158; BIOLOGY CATEGORY 82/86(SCI)
014. Tsai ML,
Horng CT, Liu CC, Shieh P, Hung CL, Lu DW, Chiang SY, Wu YC, Chiou WY. Ocular
responses and visual performance after emergent acceleration stress.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.
2011 Nov 7;52(12):8680-5.
(Impact factor: 3.466;
C. 期刊論文( non-SCI)
001. Tsai ML, Chou P.
Carotid-cavernous fistula with central retinal vein occlusion and choroidal
detachment --case report. Trans Soc Ophthalmol Sinicae.1996;36(3):339-344.
002. Chang SS, Tsai ML. Examinations of ant segment. Medical digest.
003. Chen CH, Tsai ML. Ocular sonography : A scan and B scan. Medical
digest. 1998;6(4):250-254.
004. Horng CT, Tsai ML, Chou PI. Reiter's
Syndrome with Recurrence of Uveitis-- A Case Report. Medical digest.
005. Horng CT, Tsai ML, Chou PI. Prognostic
factors associated with introcular foreign body study. Trans Soc Ophthalmol
Sinicae. 2000;36(1):28-31.
006. Tsai ML, Chen SL, Tsao YP. Gene
therapy in ophthalmology Trans Soc Ophthalmol Sinicae. 2001;36(3):339-3443.
007. Shi SF, Wang BL, Tsai ML: Reasons for Selection
and Satisfaction of Eye Care Services at three Taipei Medical
Center .
008 Tsai M.L., Wang B.L Chang C.J. Hung C.L. The Application of
nanomaterial in medicine. Journal of the. Formosan Medical Association 2004,
009. Horng CT, Kuo DI,.Liu CC,
Tsai ML, Tzeng DS, Shieh PC.
Results of Dynamic Acuity and Stereopsis during Coriolis Illusion. Taiwan
Journal of Ophthalmology. 2007;46(3):211-218.
010. Horng CT, Shieh PC, Kuo
DI, Liu CC, Chou ST, Chen JT,Tsai ML,
The Effects of Hypoxia on Human Visual Field and Intraocular Pressure at
Simulated 25000 Feet. Taiwan
Journal of Ophthalmology. 2007;46(2):129-138
012. Horng CT. Wen TS, Shiang
JC, Tsai ML, Kuo DH. A study
of cardiovascular effect of Rhodiola. J Aviat Med. Sci. 2008:22(1):1-12
013. Horng
CT, Chien KJ. Kuo DI. Chen
FA. Lin CT, Tsai ML, Shieh
PC, Bilateral Cataracts after Psoralen and Long-Wave Ultraviolent Radiation
(PUVA) Treatment for Psoriasis. ACTA Societatis Ophthalmologicae Sinicae.
014. Hu HC, Tsai ML, Tzeng DS, Kao WT, Horng
CT, Lee CH, Chang CJ. A Primary Study on the Stereopsis in Patients with
Schizophrenia in Taiwan .
Journal of Ophthalmology. 2009;48(2):153-160
015. Yo-Chang Chen, Chi-Ting
Horng, Szu-Yuan Lin , Ming-Ling Tsai.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Ocular Posterior Segment Tumors. Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology.
016. Chou YS Horng CT , Lee CH, Chang CJ. , Tsai ML Significant tumor
reduction of extensive conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma by radiotherapy
with adjuvant topical chemotherapy. Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology.
017. Liu CC, Tsai ML, Chen JT, Shiang JC,
Tai MC, Chang YH, Huang CY, Horng CT. Changes experienced by various contact
lens wearers at simulated hypoxic altitudes. Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology.
018. Teng-Yi Wang, Chi-Ting
Horng. Yeu-Chin Chen, Yung-Hsiang Chang,
Ke-Hung Chien, Dan-Wen Lu,
Jiann-Torng Chen, Ming-Ling Tsai
Management of ocular posterior
segment hemorrhages in patients with hemophilia. Asia-pacific Journal of
Oncology and Hemotology. 2009;1(3):1-10
019. Liu CC, Tsai ML, Chen JT, Shiang JC,
Tai MC, Chang YH, Huang CY, Horng CT. An Initial Study on Corneal Biomechanical
Properties of Residents in Hsinchu
City , Taiwan .
T.S.M.H Medical
Nursing Journal. 2009. 15:3
020. Lin FC, Tsai ML, Kao WG, Liu CC, Hu HC,
Tai MC, Horng CT The Impact of Corneal Biomechanical Properties, Visualacuity
and Refraction under Higher Gravity Force by a Seat Ejection System. Taiwan
Journal of Ophthalmology. 2011;50 (1): 49-601
B. 研討會論文
001. Horng CT, Tsai ML, Chou PI. Prognostic factors
associated with intraocular foreign body study. Transaction of Ophthalmological
Society of the Republic of China .
Taipei , Taiwan , ROC, 1998.
002. Tsai ML, Horng CT , Chou PI. M Hook assisted phacoemulsification.
120cases review. Transaction of Ophthalmological Society of the Republic of China .
Kaoshing , Taiwan , ROC, 1999.
003. Tsai ML, Horng CT , Chou PI. Corneal burn during
phacoemulsification - one case report. Transaction of Ophthalmological Society
of the Republic of China .
Kaoshing , Taiwan , ROC, 1999.
004. Tsai ML, Chen
SL, Chou PI, Wen LY, Tsai RF, Tsao YP. Long-term suppression of uveitis by
Inducible Adeno-associated Virus Vector-encoding Interleukin-1 Receptor
antagnist gene Ophthalmological Society of the Republic of China. Taipei , Taiwan ,
ROC, 2001.
005. Tsai ML, Chen
SL, Chou PI, Wen LY, Tsai RF, Tsao YP. Suppression of uveitis by. gene
therapy with recombinant adeno-associated virus expressing interleukin-1
receptor antagonist. Transaction of Ophthalmological Society of the Republic of
China .
Taipei , Taiwan , ROC, 2002. Golden Award.
006. Ming.-Ling
.Tsai*, C.-J.Chang, , C.-T.Chen1, D.-W.Lu. Intraocular lens with bactericidal
activity by photocatalytic coating. Transaction of Ophthalmological Society of
the Republic of China .
Taipei , Taiwan , ROC, April 2003. Golden Award.
007.Tsai ML, Chen
SL, Chou PI, Wen LY, Tsai RF, Tsao YP. Protection of ganglion cell by. r gene therapy with recombinant
adeno-associated virus expressing glia cell-divided growth. Transaction of Ophthalmological Society of
the Republic of China .
Taipei , Taiwan , ROC, April 2003. Golden Award.
008. Ming.-Ling
.Tsai*, C.-J.Chang, , C.-T.Chen1, D.-W.Lu. Intraocular lens with bactericidal activity by
photocatalytic coating. The 6th
Japan-Taiwan Joint meeting of ophthalmology. Okinawa , Japan Nov 2004.
009. Ming.-Ling .Tsai*, C.-J.Chang, , C.-T.Chen1, D.-W.Lu. Ocular
prosthesis with time-setting anti-infection activity- nano ocular prosthesis.
Transaction of Ophthalmological Society of the Republic of China . Taipei , Taiwan ,
ROC, April 2004. Golden Award.
010.Tsai ML, Chen SL, Chou PI, Wen LY, Tsai RF, Tsao YP. Inducible
Adeno-associated Virus Vector-delivered Transgene Expression in Corneal
Endothelium. Transaction of Ophthalmological Society of the Republic of China .
Taipei , Taiwan , ROC, 2001.
C. 專書及專書論文
001.蔡明霖, 梁知本 : 視力測量原則與方法.王丹江,王先震:臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1168-1171,1998.
002.蔡明霖, 陳喬鴻: 電腦驗光機使用原則. 王丹江,王先震:臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1172-1171.1998.
003.蔡明霖, 梁知本 : 配鏡原則.王丹江,王先震:臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1168-1176,1998.
表C302 共 5 頁
第 3 頁
004.蔡明霖, 張善雄 : 裂隙燈構造與使用原則. 王丹江,王先震: 臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1180-1187,1998.
005.蔡明霖, 周秉義 : 眼底鏡構造與使用原則.合記書局.王丹江,王先震: 臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1188-1192,1998
006.蔡明霖, 王宗仁 : 紅眼睛的鑑別診斷與處理. 王丹江,王先震: 臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1193-1196,1998.
007.蔡明霖, 葉豐順 : 斜視診斷與處理. 王丹江,王先震: 臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1203-1207,1998.
008 蔡明霖, 吳國欽 : 視網膜剝離診斷與處理. 王丹江,王先震: 臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1208-1210,1998.
009 蔡明霖, 吳國欽 : 糖尿病網膜病變診斷與處理. 王丹江,王先震:臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1211-1213,1998.
010 蔡明霖, 陳建同 : 眼科藥物概論. 王丹江,王先震: 臨床內外科學下冊.合記書局:1223-1228,1998.