民國106年1月2日 更新

眼科蔡明霖副教授於民國103年起每周二,三,四受聘至台北慈濟醫院看診手術(掛號請洽02-66289800),周五上午仍於台北三軍總醫院汀州院區服務(掛號請洽02-87923311)。本網站提供居家視覺功能檢查包括視網膜黃斑檢查 老花 色盲 散光檢查等。感謝全球眼科最高榮譽IOVS於2021年8月六度肯定-蔡明霖博士於人工水晶體及眼生理學相關研究。感謝2009-2016年世界名人錄八度肯定-蔡明霖副教授於白內障手術及黃斑部治療之研發對當代世界的貢獻

2011年10月31日 星期一

感謝 IOVS 三度肯定

IOVS  接受函

It is a pleasure to accept your manuscript titled "Ocular responses and visual performance and after emergent acceleration stress" in its current form for publication in IOVS. The comments of the reviewer(s) who reviewed your manuscript are appended to the end of this letter.  Please check at the end of this message in case some of these comments were sent as attachments.

Please submit the final files for publication within three days, according to the instructions at the end of this e-mail. The unedited version will also be posted electronically within the next few weeks in IOVS Recently Accepted Papers athttp://www.iovs.org/content/early/recent.

Thank you for your fine contribution.  On behalf of the Editors of IOVS, we look forward to your continued contributions to the Journal.

Dr. Joseph Rizzo
Associate Editor, IOVS
